Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Women of the Wild West Road Trip

Hello ladies,

It is that time of year again to plan for a Farmgirls on the Loose Road Trip.
The theme will be Women of the Wild West.

Where farmgirls gather the fun begins, the friendships continue and the ideas flow.

The itinerary will be posted on this blog and on the MJF forum.

There have been several changes made since posting on the forum. Chapters have made contact and asked if the tour could visit their area. Events planned , tours scheduled and dinners in the works.

All farmgirls are welcome to join and bring friends. The road trip will be traveling though and stopping in Colorado, Wyoming, Montana and Idaho with a skip into Washingston state.

Looking forward to museums, trail rides, hay rides, camp outs, Fourth of July and a grand finale.

A starting date has not yet been chosen, but an ending date or finale is Saturday July 9, 2011.

Reservations will be required with a small fee. Some events, dinners may be pre-pay only.
This also makes for easy budgeting because some of the trip is paid for in advance.

Suggestions are always welcome .
The blog will continue through the end of the road trip, so enjoy.

Sister #660


  1. Good for you Wende, it will be fun to see if we can meet up. I have another event that finally weekend, but want to see you while you are here... Wagons Ho!

  2. Wendy,
    I am making arrangements to do the whole trip. How about hooking up with me? We could meet just north of you in Des Moines, IA and take 80 to the West! I am trying to make reservations at MJF B & B for July 8th and 9th. My 50th Birthday is the 8th! Let me know what you think.
    Diane (Fiddlehead Farm)

  3. I am so excited...this is going to be so fun! Count me in...not sure if I can make them all but I would love to try.
    And I have a large place to camp if anyone wants a stop over on their way to and fro, here in Cheney...outside Spokane, WA.

  4. It's official! I have reservations at MJF B&B for July 8th and 9th! Now I just got to figure out the rest of the trip.

  5. is this a sister on the fly event or are you a different group?

  6. "Glimpse of my World" . . . the Farmgirls on the Loose are associated with MaryJanes Farm Farmgirl Connection and Sisterhood. It isn't a "Sisters on the Fly" group, however, many of the farmgirls are also members of the "Sisters on the Fly"
