Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Be a winner of the FOTL blog giveaways!

"Women of the Wild West" blog travelers are invited to come along everyday, view the blog and WIN !!!Do you get souvenirs during your own travels?? This is no different.

Here are the rules:  The contest and prize will be announced for each location.  LEAVE a COMMENT using the blog comment feature, by the date and time, and be added to the contest.  The prize will be sent  via the "Women of the Wild West" road trip.

Enter each giveaway if you like. Only ONE comment per person per giveaway. Winners will be selected by random drawing and asked for their mailing information.

Come along and travel the West with us and win!!

1 comment:

  1. Ok I'm a little confused. Is this for the women at home or for the farmgirls on the loose? Can we donate to the prizes?
