Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Contest #5 .. step right up farmgirls and be a winner.....

Come one , come all.... step right up and take a chance on the next blog comment contest.

Contest #5 prize will be a Farmgirls on the Loose canvas tote bag with a few goodies inside. CeeJay had them made for the girls on the trip.  Love mine !!! It has my face in it. Yep, it is that big. LOL

Tell us about your Fourth of July festivities.  Did you stay home , did you have the family over, did you go into town for a picnic and fireworks.. or what did you make to take to the picnic ( hint , hint.. post recipe to share).

This Contest will END July 7 , at 9:00 PM Pacific time. 


  1. We went to my parents home and my husband, sister, nephew, his wife and children all had fun as we grilled a mountain of food and swam in the pool. We don't get together as often as we once did, so any time we can is a special day!

  2. We stayed home. My son worked and one of the kids went to a friend's house. We did not cook out, because the grill is in bad shape. I did not cook either, so we have no recipes to share. Sorry. This year was probably the first year not really "celebrating" the 4th.

  3. We had our kids and grandkids over here to eat with us. Had hoped to eat outside but it kept raining off and on.
    My husband smoked a huge pork loin,I made bread,there was fresh strawberries,fresh cooked New Mexico style pinto beans,and cantalope. I also made a dessert called Angel Blueberry dessert.

  4. We celebrated on the second for daughter's birthday, and SHE made the pizzas! Bless her heart; she makes a mean pizza!
